Thursday, 5 May 2016 from 12:00 PM AM to 4:30 PM (EDT)
Yorkdale Holiday Inn, Toronto
This course is offered in three locations:
1. Toronto (Craig Hannaford) May 5, 2016
If you would like a corporate rate for offering this course in Ottawa or Calgary, please contact us at here.
2) Ottawa (John Reid)May 5, 2016
3) Calgary (Gord Tomlinson) May 5, 2016
Many organizations, in both the public and private sector, are required to conduct investigations, be they internal or external in nature. It is not a question “if” an investigation will be required but “when?” Organizations must have access to people with the skills to conduct a fair, impartial and efficient investigation. The focus is on collecting the needed information in the least disruptive manner as possible.
Your Investment: $CDN 499 per registrant; $CDN 399 per person if three or more registrants come from one organization, Fee includes full buffet lunch, pre-reading material, a morning and an afternoon health break, and a Course Binder.

This half day intensive course provides registrants with a blueprint to conduct an internal investigation no matter what government or industry sector they come from. It will provide the participant with a working knowledge of the theory behind planning an investigation.
Case studies will be referenced throughout the course in order to provide candidates with hands-on experience in planning and carrying out an investigation.
- Reasons to conduct an investigation.
- Legal considerations
- Preparation of an investigative plan
- Conducting effective interviews
- Documentary evidence
- Sources of information
- Electronic evidence considerations
- Field investigations
- Reporting
Develop a sophisticated understanding about the conduct of a workplace Investigation: At the conclusion of this course, participants will have a blueprint and the tools to conduct an effective and efficient investigation according to prevailing legal and ethical standards.
Participants in the course, Conducting an Investigation, will be required to create their own investigative plan for a scenario. In addition, participants will design an interview plan for a potential person to be interviewed. Various scenarios will be employed throughout the seminar. At the end of this seminar, the student will be able to effectively and efficiently plan and implement the steps needed to conduct an investigation.
Benefits in your Participation
- Highlight relevant legislation and court decisions related to conducting investigations.
- Provide a structured strategy to planning and undertaking simple or complex investigations.
- Learning basic interview skills to assist in investigations.
- Understanding documentary and electronic forms of evidence and how they should be handled.
- Writing an effective investigation report
Who is this course for: Any person who is or may be tasked with conducting a regulatory, internal, statutory or other investigation. This includes harassment matters, code of conduct violations as well as more serious statutory violations.
Craig has extensive experience in managing and investigating complex multi-faceted cases for both criminal prosecutions and civil proceedings; managing large groups of investigators and support personnel; conducting strategic reviews, risk management assessments and management plans; public speaking and lecturing experience both with the Government of Canada and the private sector (seminars, television, radio); forensic accounting; computer forensic services.
John Reid, an articulate peace officer, recently retired as Superintendent by rank, and lawyer with the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, is results orientated with a diverse background from complex investigations in white collar crime and internal affairs to managing a national witness protection program to sitting as Director and Chair of internal discipline and performance boards. Major strengths include integrity, planning and organization, problem solving, negotiations and a dedicated work ethic.